Monday, December 21, 2009

WTF Peach.

Ok Ok Ok.

I finished the last massive post thinking that it was going to be enough, but nope, I have something else to say. * Insert Shocked Face Here*

Ok, so after I finished that last post I when downstairs and played some more Super Smash Bros. All was good, and then I played Peach for the first time whilst really paying attention to her attacks. And all I have to say is WTF PEACH?!?

SO there I am, on an airship, fighting GOD KNOWS WHAT and I think to myself, "Gee, this would be a good time for a good ol' down B asskickin." So I do it.

And then Peach sort of pulls this weird stylistic turnip out of the ground. So then I tossed it, and it was this weird wimpy toss and the weird stylistic turnip dissapears with a pouff...Wow. REAL EFFIN' EFFECTIVE.

So then I really start to freak because I get into a sticky situation. I won't lie, I did a bit of button-mashing. And what does Peach do? Throw a fireball? Throw a punch?
Ok, please, even a bitch-slap? NO. She wiggles a mushroom. A MUSHROOM. WIGGLES IT!

What the FUCK, Peach?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Avatar, Smash Bros. and Serious Disappointment.

Ok. Here it is, my first post of the New and Improved blog!


Anyways. To the actual stuff I was gonna talk about...

Firstly, I have a deep need to talk about how freaking awesome the movie Avatar was. I can't really talk about it in detail yet because this movie is just one of those ones that I don't feel I can spoil!

From the previews you can already tell that the graphics and CGI are outstanding, but when you actually see it on the big screen it's pretty effin' mindblowing. There is a seemlessness between the liveaction and the CGI that I haven't really seen before, or at least not on the scale that it was pulled off with Avatar. But it's not just the CGI, or the seemless effect. It also has mindnumbingly beautiful visuals that sort of left me awed.

The Second thing that makes Avatar outstanding is that it's not just a flashy movie that tries to get by on special effects and visuals alone. It actually has a very interesting storyline that you can really get into, and it's one of those shows that explores human nature without getting super preachy, something that I definately can appreciate.

So yeah. It's sort of a package deal. GO SEE IT!

Other then having my mind exploded from the pure win of Avatar, what I have been up to? Well my dears, thanks for asking.

I've been chilling at home. Which is pretty much code for "playing video games bitch."

Me and my sister have been rocking the Wii, playing some Super Smash Bros, which I have always loved ever since the original one came out on N64 when I was a kid. Anywhooles anyone whos played the game knows that the Subspace mission thinger is about 300 years long. Well, today we beat it! It took alot of effort and teamwork and SWEAT and BLOOD and LOVE and PASSION and....oh shit...that was on easy.

So now we are woking on normal. Ouch.

And earlier today, my family went out for lunch and then off to wally-world to do a bit of shoping, with my main goal to buy Super Mario Bros for the Wii. It's sold out. EVERYWHERE. Ugh. Christmas season.


And I'm seriously kicking myself. Mostly because about two weeks ago I had the opputunity to get it in Futureshop when it had just come out. and I didn't buy it LIKE A FOOL!

Plus to make things worse, I played the demo there. SO I KNOW IT'S FUN! GAH!

I'm going to have to wait. Unless by some miracle someone bought it for my christmas present.

In other news, I want to shoot myself. The entire time I've been writting this post, the Oompa Loompa song has been playing in the other room where my family is watching the old school version of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. I'm not really sure why anyone subjects themselves to that. It sort of creeps me out.

In fact, I'm not really sure whether Willy Wonka or the Borg Queen is more creepy.



I ought to finish this beast up.

So here is my song of the day: Escuela de Calor by Radio Futura

I have no idea what they are saying. None at all.


I changed shit up, yo.

As anyone who actually reads this may notice, I changed up my blog a little bit. I think that this is a little bit more accurate in terms of what I actually talk about. AND want I want to talk about.

So yeah.

Heads up.

Monday, December 14, 2009

15 Things I have Realised in the Past Week

I have not had the greatest week (as many of you may know), that's for sure. But I've learned a lot of things, some deep, some superficial...

1) Actual, honest to god heartbreak REALLY fucking hurts.

2) It's plain douche-y to dump someone the night before a Physics exam

3) Brownies are possibly a form of crack

4) Pizzahut is actually very delish

5) UFC is fun, and Cheick Kongo is a sexy beast of a man.

6) Kamloops has a comic book store

7) Its DANGEROUSLY easy to spend money in said comic book store

8) It's a tad embaressing to ask at the counter for any Startrek mangas

9) Its more embaressing to specify that you want that one "with the borg origins and stuff"

10) Its even more embaressing to except your huge nerd/geekary and BUY IT.

11) I still have Sonic 2 Sega skillz

12) Robot Sonic is NOTHING to the end guy.

13) Bamboo shirts are effing comfy

14) No amount of pain can keep me off of Puzzle Pirates

15) Dog the Bounty Hunter is the fucking man!

AND the song of the day, which I haven't really been keeping up with but want to add to this post anyways?


New Noise - Refused ...It's awesome punky-metaly sweetness.

Building a Religion - Cake ...freaking weird in the best way ever.

If anyone is wondering I got these songs off a guy named Devon. The same one that my Aunt and Grandma are trying to set me up with.


Well he has good taste in music...Aunt/Grandma Team -- 1, Team Kirsten -- 0

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ode to the Air Unit, a Haiku

Oh My Air Unit
Like Idling Truck Noises
Beside My Head. Fuck.

...nuff said peeeps.

On a lighter Note, if you don't read this, we are no longer friends.

I was all worked up then I had a good laugh.

I found these on this AWESOME blog. Go look. NOW!

Disgusting Hypocrisy

So I just watched a few Youtube videos. I watched a pretty funny youtube show called "What the Buck"

Its about celeb news etc etc, but I found the host to be pretty funny. Also, he is obviously gay.

I subb'd the channel and found that he had a video called "Using my Gay for Good" and it had alot of video responses. In the video he read a few letters that he had gotten about people saying that him being so open with his sexuality had a big (positive) effect on them...

Curious, I checked out a few of the video resopnses. They too were for the most part good, very grasious and some were even a bit touching. But the comments!

I feel kinda stupid to get worked up about youtube comments because its flamewar city. But I'm not even talking about the morons looking for attention that Post " LOLOL ur GAY!!!11!"

One of the video's I saw was about a young man that was gay, and wondering how he should tell his parents. (One wonders why he would confess such matters on youtube, but such is the internet.)

Over all the responses were very supportive, but was stuck me was the disgusting hypocrisy of some of the "nice" comments.

One girl writes:

aww hun stay strong! I am not gay I LOVE MEN :) lol but i know how it is to have to tell your parents something big....etc etc she goes off into a story.

Someone else writes:

I am not gay, but I definately support you...etc etc.

Whats wrong with this picture?

If you think that being gay REALLY isn't a big deal then why PRAY TELL do you feel the need to declare that you aren't gay? Because you are worried that someone will think that you ARE gay for supporting this person?

Because if you are really ok with it, then it actually wouldn`t be a big deal. I have been to a few events supporting Gay/Lesbin/Bi/Transsexual groups with a friend of mine that was a proud member of said group. And I didn't feel the need to declare to everyone I saw there that "I LOVE MEN." Because if someone happend to make that mistake about my sexuality it wouldn't be a big deal.

It's stupid and ignorent!

UGH. I makes me a bit sick. It's really almost condisending.

Not to say I'm really one to talk. I often find myself saying "gay" in a not-ok fashion. It's sort of a habit, and I guess in the long run I say a lot of offensive things...but out of all the things I say, (including cunt etc.) "gay" is the one I regret the most. I supppose I ought to work on that, so I'm gonna say right now that I'm going to work on it.

Because I don't want to join the ranks of these douche-canone hypocrits.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reality TV I don't want to see.

I just saw another commercail...

The jackson brothers. its about them and like dealing with their brothers dealth.

Using your brother, who just DIED, as fuel for reality TV?

New low in slimyness reached....

Reality TV I actually want to see.

Wow. So I just saw a commercial for a reality TV show that looks hilarious.


He has a reality TV show where is a deputy in the police, because i guess at some point in time before his film carreer he worked as an officer.

It looks hilarious.

Sign me up bitchs.