Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trippin' Balls: Adventure's In a Single room

So, first off, I would like to clairify that i love my new single room. Its like a studio apartment, and besides being relativally spacious for a dorm room, it's MINE all MINE!! I love not having to share the fridge especially. Anyways to the trippin balls part.

So sometimes a singe room is not so great. Take the night before last. I watched ( i shit you not) about 7 or 8 hours of a new DVD set that i recently...ahem....required. (BTjunkie ftw!) That DVD set was the Startrek Borg Fan Collective. SOOOO good. but sooooo BAD.

I degress. I haven't fully explained this. I have been afraid of cyborgs and robots since i was a young girl. Especially the borg. But as a got older, it sort of developed into a love hate thing. Yes they scare me to bits, but I'm also facinated. So after watching First Contact about a million times, I thought I was ready for this.

I was so very wrong.

I guess no amount of preperation can get you ready for 8 hours of you're deepest fear. It was enjoyable but by about 1130pm I was freaking out. And because of my precious single room...I was A L O N E. With a computer desk that makes it imposible to protect my back, a building that I couldn't possibly escape if it were attacked, and probably worst of all, a fairly loud air unit whose vent makes random shit in my room move. Not the best of times.

Thank god for puzzle pirates.

Anyways i have procrastinated long enough...i guess its homework time.

Song of the Day: Sucks to be You by Prozzak

a golden oldie ;)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Adventures in Hole Punching, facebook, and gaming addictions.

I am an internet-junkie-geek-lover.

This has been going on for while, and I love Puzzle Pirates, a MMORPG that i have played for over 3 years. 3 YEARS. And now my boytoy got me addicted to a facebook game called treasure mania. Its simple, fun and FUCKING addictive. I play it like several times a day. Anywho. Thats probably why i love the following: The Guild

For anyone that is awesome, (Like me of course), you ought to be watching The Guild. Its a web seris that is written by one Felicia Day, who is not only and actress but a GAMER too. And now i have hope. The Guild is a hilarious, mostly true depiction of h-core gaming. I love it!!

They have a song called Do you want to date my avatar? which is also win. Check them ouuut <3

make sure you start from Episode one for Season one though!!

In other news, hole punchs are the bane of my existance. In my attempts to put my keycard/student id on a lanyard, I BROKE my first hold punch. What kind of pussy hole punch cant punch a hole? Jeez.

Anywho so i went and bought a nice big three hole punch, and what do youthink? UGH it only fits like 10 pieces of paper max. RETARDED. Every set of notes that i print off has to be punched in three or for sets of paper. Seriously. Who designed that shit?

Anywho, my danish is calling and i have to assemble my shit for physics class. So baibai loverlys.

Song of the Day: My World by Emigrate

The upbeat metalish sound of the former Rammstein Guitarist. Its got rockin guitar but its all in english and with a very somehow positive sound. Just love it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Holaballs. I'm baccckkk...and with class! (maybe)

Wow. I just read my last post. WHAT a drama queen. ;)

Obviously, I don't update this much. But now I'm going to make a serious effort!

So I just started my new program that I mentioned before: respiratory therapy. And I'm actually still excited!! Many of my professers are pretty awesome. 'Cept Biol 159. Lady, I don't know why but you IRK me. Anyways many things have happened since that fated 'my brokenheart' post. I'm with someone new, and we have actually been together for over 6 months already. I know, I ought to update more.

He's Australian and the accent is every bit as sexy as I always thought it was. But its much better then just an accent. Its very satisfing to be with someone who loves and excepts my incredible nerdiness. Because I truly am the nerdiest, geekist girl I know. (I have gotten into fights over this, and I always come out on top. No one can beat the awesome strength of my nerd/geek combination!!)

Another change is that I am now in a single room at my residence, and I think I deserve it, what with being 21 and all. That's OLD, I'm intitled to some creature comforts. Anywhooo its given me a little but more independence I think. Because now I'm alone.

Of course this aloneness, though I often enjoy it, is scary.

Alone, with the infected toe.

You see about a week or two back I had a nail resection done on both sides of both my big toe nails to correct some hidiously ingrown nails. (They felt, rather then looked hidious, I would like to clarifiy.) Long story short, One side got infected and THAT does indeed look hidious. Also the topical antibiotic I got for it isn't working.

EPP. Have I metioned my slight hypochondric behavior or my wild imagination? Or my deeply ingrained fear of amputations?


As a rational human and a long time biology student I know this is unlikely. BUT I'M STILL TRIPPIN' BALLS. And I want my mommy. I haven't told her how bad it is cuz i don't want her to worry. ugh. Anyways hopefully the apointment I have on wensday will hook me up with some powerful bactria killers. All I can hope for now is that my toe doesn't fall off or do something equally disturbing until then. (I'm not sure what would be on par with my toe falling off. I think i would be less freaked out if it grew teeth and started attacking passerbys. Actually I would probably egg it on. Anyways...)

It's my hope that this all passes by soon and I can return to my role as an unadulterated shoe-whore. As much as I love my zebra print flip-flops, I'm ready for shoes again.

Wow, this is a longish post. But all good things must come to an end.

Of course this doesn't count so let me continue: I'm making a new resolve to start cooking proper food more. I eat alot of soup because it\s so easy. So tonight I'm going to make something good. I'm Not sure what, but you had better be inmpressed. Now, I have to pee, so this is the actual end.


(ugh. my chatspeak is awesome but makes me sick. SICK! lolz *vomit*)