I got a twitter account. AND BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME (too late?) It's mostly to stalk some of my fave internet celebs. So there. The truth is out.
I hope she never sees that, because I still need an autograph, which I am hoping to get at COMICON SAN DIEGO!
OK. In other news, I started playing this weird off-beat MMORPG called Kingdom of Loathing (google it peeps). It's actually really fun, and pretty addictive. The graphics are, I kid you not, stick people. But the game play is pretty fun, and has hilarious dialoague and/or script. The best/worst part is you have a limited number of turns per day so you can't get totally addicted, which is awesome for someone who is so busy like me with my other TIME COMMITMENTS.
Yeah, by Time commitments, I ment Puzzle Pirates, and Sonic 2. (I will get you yet robotnic!
SONG OF THE DAY: Cut Throat by Kittie.
KAY. Peace my loverlies!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
wicked. twitter is where i post all the stuff i don't want people who still have respect for me to read
oooo you should add me, since I have no idea how to do that!
My name on there is ViridianRynn
kirst, i found you long before you posted it on here. twitter is my bitch.
i'm on as pcb733. just click "follow" under my name.
Yay! I have a twitter account! I'm going to go follow you- I'm on there as Morgan Rackham, I think. I love it too. I linked mine directly to my facebook update status, actually. It'll be fun to actually follow someone I know- I agree, is terribly convenient for stalking celebutards. I'm just waiting for Kirstie Alley to fall off the wagon at McDonalds and post a tear-filled tweet about how she ate through their entire stock of chicken burgers.*evil grin*
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