So I just watched a few Youtube videos. I watched a pretty funny youtube show called "What the Buck"
Its about celeb news etc etc, but I found the host to be pretty funny. Also, he is obviously gay.
I subb'd the channel and found that he had a video called "Using my Gay for Good" and it had alot of video responses. In the video he read a few letters that he had gotten about people saying that him being so open with his sexuality had a big (positive) effect on them...
Curious, I checked out a few of the video resopnses. They too were for the most part good, very grasious and some were even a bit touching. But the comments!
I feel kinda stupid to get worked up about youtube comments because its flamewar city. But I'm not even talking about the morons looking for attention that Post " LOLOL ur GAY!!!11!"
One of the video's I saw was about a young man that was gay, and wondering how he should tell his parents. (One wonders why he would confess such matters on youtube, but such is the internet.)
Over all the responses were very supportive, but was stuck me was the disgusting hypocrisy of some of the "nice" comments.
One girl writes:
aww hun stay strong! I am not gay I LOVE MEN :) lol but i know how it is to have to tell your parents something big....etc etc she goes off into a story.
Someone else writes:
I am not gay, but I definately support you...etc etc.
Whats wrong with this picture?
If you think that being gay REALLY isn't a big deal then why PRAY TELL do you feel the need to declare that you aren't gay? Because you are worried that someone will think that you ARE gay for supporting this person?
Because if you are really ok with it, then it actually wouldn`t be a big deal. I have been to a few events supporting Gay/Lesbin/Bi/Transsexual groups with a friend of mine that was a proud member of said group. And I didn't feel the need to declare to everyone I saw there that "I LOVE MEN." Because if someone happend to make that mistake about my sexuality it wouldn't be a big deal.
It's stupid and ignorent!
UGH. I makes me a bit sick. It's really almost condisending.
Not to say I'm really one to talk. I often find myself saying "gay" in a not-ok fashion. It's sort of a habit, and I guess in the long run I say a lot of offensive things...but out of all the things I say, (including cunt etc.) "gay" is the one I regret the most. I supppose I ought to work on that, so I'm gonna say right now that I'm going to work on it.
Because I don't want to join the ranks of these douche-canone hypocrits.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
I love this post- I don't think I ever thought of it like that. Why DO people need to specify? I get that if you're posting to a fellow gay person, then your support might be a bit weightier if you'd gone through the same things and could offer specific advice ("When I came out to my parents...") but otherwise, psh. The women's centre at my school is practically conjoined with the pride center (they actually shared the same room, with little dividers) and I've been volunteering/chilling out in both places for ages. So far, no one's asked me if I'm straight or not, and I haven't cared enough to mention it out of context. Ain't a big deal in real life unless it's your own issue.
Also, I keep saying things are "retarded." That'll be my do-not-speak word. Every time I catch myself saying it I cringe, waiting for someone to run up and punch me 'cause they have some sibling who was dropped on his face...
yeah I say retarded too, but i generally feel worst about sayin gay.
Im not sure why...
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