I'm very tired and feelin sickish so this post will probably lack grammer, spelling, cohesive thoughts and good ideas.
Anyways. Now that out of way fun we can have with my writing funny life?
But SERIOUSLY. I think I should come with a warning sign that says " WARNING: (duh.) May Cause WTF. I have just been so WEIRD today. And most of the month. Maybe i Have a disease or something.
ANYWAYS. I had to go to the dollar store today to pick up a piece of poster paper. I can't believe how awesome dollar stores are and this one was extra special. THEY SOLD POKEMON CARDS! In these little ghetto packages. I was in there with classmates and I was all like "How funny would it be if i bought these? Just to call my sister up and be like guess what i bought today? POKEMON CARDS~~!" They were both slightly amused, but I have this sneaking suspition that it was more of a laughing at you, instead of with you situation.
SO I bought them of course...and a salad dressing. I thought that it was cesar but it wasnt it was creamy italian. (as if anyone actually wants that flavor. ew.) So right after i piad I had to ask to exchange it. AT THE DOLLAAR store. So awkward.
But then things got WORSE!
Santa Claus came onto us.
Like seriously, it was so FUCKING creeepy!
And this guy REALLY looked the part. :(
i will never be able to sit on santa's lap again. Although, I made the valid argument that if I was to sit on his knee, I might break his hip.
After this we had to go do a presentation table at the residence for the Rt program at TRU and Resp. health in general. It was kind of funny to watch the people going into the door carefully eyeing anywhere but out table. Its a HUGE fucking display. We know you didn't just miss it and walk past. Don't even try!
Also, I want to bitchslap a girl who asked in a very high pitched annoying voice "Why is there a dead baby on that table?"
ITS A CPR MANNIKEIN YOU DUMB BITCH. SERIOUSLY. Like a dead baby would make a good display for respiratory health.
That should be the Respiratory Therapy programs new slogan: Without us, there would be way more dead babies.
Thank god THAT girl isn't in the Rt program. She probably would kill babies, then in her annoying voice be all like "Om G guys, why is there a dead baby on that table?"
"BECAUSE STUPID PEOPLE LIKE YOU KILLED IT." Or him or her. I try to be you know. Politically correct.
Im pretty sure my English teacher would jump off a bridge if she saw all my weird capitilazation errors here.
ugh. I think Im going to take a nap....dead baby, really.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago