So, first off, I would like to clairify that i love my new single room. Its like a studio apartment, and besides being relativally spacious for a dorm room, it's MINE all MINE!! I love not having to share the fridge especially. Anyways to the trippin balls part.
So sometimes a singe room is not so great. Take the night before last. I watched ( i shit you not) about 7 or 8 hours of a new DVD set that i recently...ahem....required. (BTjunkie ftw!) That DVD set was the Startrek Borg Fan Collective. SOOOO good. but sooooo BAD.
I degress. I haven't fully explained this. I have been afraid of cyborgs and robots since i was a young girl. Especially the borg. But as a got older, it sort of developed into a love hate thing. Yes they scare me to bits, but I'm also facinated. So after watching First Contact about a million times, I thought I was ready for this.
I was so very wrong.
I guess no amount of preperation can get you ready for 8 hours of you're deepest fear. It was enjoyable but by about 1130pm I was freaking out. And because of my precious single room...I was A L O N E. With a computer desk that makes it imposible to protect my back, a building that I couldn't possibly escape if it were attacked, and probably worst of all, a fairly loud air unit whose vent makes random shit in my room move. Not the best of times.
Thank god for puzzle pirates.
Anyways i have procrastinated long enough...i guess its homework time.
Song of the Day: Sucks to be You by Prozzak
a golden oldie ;)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago